Welcome to our new REACE members!
Shelley Klammer, Susan Watts, Deborah Armstrong,
and Roselle P. O’Brien

REACE Member Zoom Meeting:

The REACE Co-Chairs held another bi-annual zoom meeting for REACE members in March 2018. We announced the upcoming IEATA conference in Spring 2019. We discussed key issues and concerns of the REACE members. We also discussed future REACE expressive arts excursions and/or workshops. We are creating a survey to find what best serves our members. One strong desire was to learn more about online delivery of expressive arts. Each member had a chance to share their expressive arts work in the world.

REACE Meeting in upcoming Berkeley Conference:

Susan O’Connell and Terri Goslin-Jones plan to host a REACE luncheon meeting to be held at the Berkeley conference. Current REACE members and aspiring members will be invited. Topics will include: Information on how to become a REACE (Registered Expressive Arts Consultant Educator), members will be invited to share their work and network with each other and an overview of the REACE mentoring process will be provided.

REACE and REAT Online Retreat Planned for Summer 2020:

We sent a survey to members about an online expressive arts course to be offered by a REACE professional in 2020 and we had a good response/interest. There may be room for REAT participants (enrollment maximum is 25). This is an opportunity for replenishment for Expressive Arts Practitioners.

 The workshop focus will be: Embracing the Wisdom of the Seasons: (Facilitated by Christine Valters Paintner)

This 5-week online retreat is designed to create a space for replenishment and reflection for expressive arts practitioners, as well as create a community of learners and seekers. Through group sessions online (using the Zoom platform), creative explorations, meditations, and contemplative walks, the expressive arts practitioner is invited to create an intentional space in their everyday lives for self-care, peer connection, and cultivating wisdom for their own practice with others.

REACE Mentor Guidelines:

There is a need for a REACE mentor who has at least 5 years post-graduate experience as an expressive arts educator. There may be a potential conflict of interest if a REACE/REAT Co-Chair served in the role of a mentor. It is recommended that if a REACE/REAT committee member is a mentor that he/she declines reviewing the application and also that mentors would not write the letter of recommendation.

REACE Facebook:

We launched a REACE Facebook page! REACE members use the Facebook page to share ideas, interests, books that they are reading, and to communicate about the conference and workshops.

REACE Guidelines Update:

We have had a positive response from the reviewers regarding out REACE application electronic filing. The applicants have mentioned they appreciate having the option. We have updated the review time from 4 months to 3 months as a result because the delivery time is much quicker electronically. Presently there are two ways applications can be submitted, email and regular mail. However, we strongly encourage email applications.


Warm Regards,

Terri Goslin-Jones, PhD, REACE
Susan O'Connell, MTP, MTP, REACE
Professional Standards Committee REACE Co-Chairs